

Exhibition on last year’s recipient of the Nordic Torsten and Wanja Söderberg prize, Hjalti Karlsson the Icelandic graphic designer who works with clients from various countries from his office in New York. In its statement the prize jury writes: “From the newspaper page to moving graphics, from educational exhibition form to the place-specific art installation – Hjalti Karlsson’s contemporary, visual language shows traces of both classic schooling and Icelandic narrative tradition.” At the Museum of Design in Iceland, Hjalti Karlsson has an exhibition featuring works specially created for the occasion of the prize.

During the years of 1996 and 2000 Hjalti Karlsson wroked as Lead Designer and Art Director for Stefan Sagmeister in New York. That is where he met Jan Wilker. In year 2000 the two colleagues started Karlssonwilker Design Studio, and together they work with clients such as MTV, Wolf-Gordon, Time Magazine, Vitra, Puma, MINI, Guggenheim and MoMA. Their client projects cover wide range of disciplines; branding, corporate identity, signage, wayfinding and branded environments, information graphics, motion graphics, exhibit design, book design, web design, product design and advertising.

Project highlights
Among many projects: branding and interactive design for Vitra ID Chair. Eastern European Roadtrip to launch 2012 MINI Coupe. Creative direction for information graphics for redesigned Bloomberg’s Businessweek (42 issues). Corporate identity, wayfinding, website and interactive user interface for the Museum of the Moving Image. Branding and motion graphics for MTV Networks. Art direction and design for Al Gore’s Our Choice, The Young Reader’s edition. Information graphics and cover design for Time Magazine’s end of the year Top Ten Issue. In 2003, Tellmewhy, a book about the first two years in business was published by Princeton Architectural Press.

The exhibition was initially made by Röhsska, the Swedish Museum of Design and Applied Arts in Gothenburg. Röhsska hosts the Torsten and Wanja Söderbergs prize every year.