

Anna Eyjólfsdóttir visual artist began collecting ceramics by Icelandic artists in 1979. In 2017, the museum consisted of almost 2000 artifacts, which span the period from 1932 to the present. This is the country’s largest single ceramic museum. The Icelandic Design Museum acquired it with support from the Blue Lagoon.

The next few months, the staff of the Icelandic Design Museum, along with a number of good guests, will register the ceramics in the museum’s gallery, but registration is an integral part of the museum’s activities. Here, guests can watch when items are picked up from boxes, photographed, registered in the collection catalog and finally packed according to the artistic rules. The goal is for the item to be preserved, but at the same time be accessible along with the information available on it. Registration is an exciting process that expands your horizons, ignites sparks and connections, ideas, conversations, and memories.