

Brynhildur Pálsdóttir, one of the designers and founders of Vík Prjónsdóttir, recounts the colorful story of the project from 2005 to the present day. Vík Prjónsdóttir is known for its uniquely designed blankets and clothing made from Icelandic wool. Folktales, nature, and the magic of everyday life are the main inspirations behind the works. The exhibition The Design Museum as a Home features two blankets from Vík Prjónsdóttir, and the museum holds about 15 blankets and garments from Vík as well as prototypes and experiments.

Brynhildur Pálsdóttir graduated from the Icelandic Arts Academy in 2004 as a product designer. She received her second BA degree from the Design Lab department at Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam in 2005. After graduation she started to work on various projects with the main focus on local production and materials such as food, wool and clay.  Brynhildur has worked as a curator and is part of the design team Terta that recently designed the surroundings, buildings and exhibition at Elliðaárstöð, a destination for energy and nature.