

A small market in collaboration with the designers Hildigunnur Gunnarsdóttir and Snæfríð Þorsteins will be held on Saturday, January 26th at 13–15 in the Museum of Design and Applied Art. In the market, RIFDAGATAL will be introduced, which they have designed and sold in recent years, along with more structured products called CONTROL CABLES.

There are also books available from the book club Angustúra, but the books were nominated for the Icelandic Design Prize last year. A book is a lifelong form and challenge for designing a book that requires it to be recorded and read. The books are in high quality, they are from all over the world and open windows into the world.

While on the market, a 20% discount is offered on the works of Snæfríð and Hildigunnur.

The event on facebook can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/279611555987133/