The Museum of Design and Applied Art is a dynamic museum that enhances awareness, inspires and creates opportunities related to Icelandic design by collecting, archiving and sharing Icelandic design from the year 1900 to the present day. The museum serves as a platform for a community that is involved in these matters and utilizes access to the knowledge and facilities of the museum. This community actively participates in shaping the museum and visitors come to enjoy what the museum has to offer.


The museum sets a collecting policy for each design discipline, aiming to shed light on and enhance knowledge, understanding, and interest in design. The collecting policy aims to build a collection that serves as a solid foundation for researchers’ interest and can be the basis for research on the cultural history of Iceland focusing on design. The museum increases the awareness of designers and the general public about the importance of preserving Icelandic design and activates people towards that purpose. The museum preserves and safeguards the collection in a secure and responsible manner.


The museum archives the collection using recognized methods. The museum should leads in this field, serving as an example for other museums, and raise awareness of the importance of design by providing open access to the collection through Archiving the collection is the foundation for exhibitions and  research.


The museum plays a leading role to increase awareness and interests in the cultural history of Iceland related to design from the year 1900 to the present day and future through excellent education, exhibitions, events, and courses within and outside the museum. These activities inspire, shed light on, enhance knowledge, understanding, and enthusiasm in relation to design.


The museum fosters a community of designers, researchers, and others interested in design, by opening its doors, being a vibrant meeting place, providing facilities, and fostering dialogue among these parties. The museum is an essential part of the local community. It inspires and raises awareness in relation to design through collaboration with schools and other institutions in the community.