

Ideas are born, some take flight, explode in all directions and fall on new ground.

Sigga Soffía Níelsdóttir graduated from the Contemporary Dance Department of Iceland’s Arts University in 2009. Part of her studies took place at École Supérieure des Arts du Cirque in Brussels. In 2021 she graduated with an MBA degree from the University of Reykjavík. She has worked both in Iceland and abroad as a dancer and choreographer but has also become known as a designer of fireworks and flower art.

The Japanese word for fireworks is hanabi – hana means fire and bi means flower; the Japanese therefore talk of fire flowers. For the last few years Sigga Soffía has worked to synthesise elements of these art forms both on the ground and in the air, and designed fireworks displays which have evolved from her choreography. In addition she has designed a fireworks display of real flowers, more precisely a floral installation which blooms according to a devised planting design. The newest additions to the fire flower project are fragrance, nectars and food, as well as diverse product and experience designs. In this way Sigga Soffía hovers between various art forms and design fields, along with her collaborators from different disciplines.