

After a guided tour with Paolo Gianfrancesco of the exhibition Urban Shape, with a special emphasis on Warsaw, what could be more appropriate than some Polish street food.

The food enthusiast Pola Sutryk comes from Warsaw. She has recently moved to Iceland and will tell us her story of Warsaw through streetfood, drinks and a desert with an ambiguous name, designed after the war as a symbol of resurrecting the capital.

Food: Pola Sutryk, chef and educator, with a passion for travels, sustainable food, regional delicacies, art, design and film and constantly trying to combine all these passions into one. She decided to move to Reykiavik when she fell in love with the country after a two months stay. “I fell in love in the Icelandic way of living, the light, colors and landscapes and I’ve never felt more peaceful in my life.”
Host: Hlin Helga Guðlaugsdóttir, co-curator of the exhibition.
Guided tour of the exhibition: Paolo Gianfrancesco, architect and author of Urban Shape.
Music menu: Pan Thorarensen, musician, producer and creative director of f.ex. Extreme Chill Festival, Berlin X Reykjavik, and The New Neighborhoods Festival, which was a platform for Icelandic and Polish Musicians.

Ticket price: 1.500 ISK – Free admittance for children.
Guided tour of the exhibition and a taste of Warsaw.
Tickets sold on location.

The event is a part of a series of events hosted by the Museum over the course of the exhibition Urban Shape. The events are infused with storytelling connected to chosen cities. A fascinating selection of Reykjavik local inhabitants with foreign roots will be invited to share their stories and those of their city of origin through food, music and more.